Artmaking is a very important part of a child’s development. These benefits can be to learn how to focus naturally on a task for a long period, learn how to problem solve, to self-motivate and to develop experimentation skills.

To facilitate this process we need to provide art materials that inspires a child.

What materials inspires your child to make art?

At school children are now taught about up-cycling and recycling.

Why not take a look at what is available at home and in the garden. Dried leaves, small stones, twigs and bits of bark, flattened cardboard, plastic or metal lids. Pieces of material cut from old clothes destined for the rag bag!

You can start making art with the materials you have already. This can encourage the child to experiment and the old concept of making do with art materials can encourage innovation.

Wool is a great art material, and lucky for us, there is a lot of wool produced in New Zealand! You can learn all about wool and artmaking with wool here.

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